A Walabi ens hem proposat recuperar el bonic costum d’enviar postals als amics. Per això, durant 2018 cada mes enviem una postal en blanc als nostres amics amb un doble ús: enviar-los un missatge de record i donar-los una postal que poden reenviar a qui vulguin.
At Walabi we want to recover the nice habit of sending postcards to friends. So, during 2018 every month we will send a blank card to our friends with a double use: send them a message of greetings and give them a postcard that can be sent to anyone who wishes.

Vols participar?
Si ets impressor, il·lustrador, fotògraf o el que sigui i tens alguna idea per a col·laborar en el projecte o senzillament vols rebre tu també les postals escriu-nos a hola@walabi.net
Want to participate?
If you are a printer, an illustrator, a photographer or you have some idea to collaborate on the project or simply want to receive the postcards write to us at hola@walabi.net
If you are a printer, an illustrator, a photographer or you have some idea to collaborate on the project or simply want to receive the postcards write to us at hola@walabi.net

Aquest projecte va començar per Nadal de 2017 enviant un joc de postals fetes a mà en letterpress. En aquest enviament, a part de la nostra felicitació, anaven 5 postals i 5 segells extra per tal que tothom pugués enviar la seva felicitació a les 5 persones més.
This project started at Christmas 2017 by sending a hand-made postcard letterpress set. In this shipment, aside from our congratulations, 5 postcards and 5 extra stamps were sent so that everyone could send their congratulations to the other 5 people.